now- artworks now in the group summershow -
(special selection through out the whole building)
A new solo exhibition 'Colours Of Nature'
at gallery Ann's Art in Groningen. [ The Netherlands ]
With everything that is going on in the world it feels so demanding to show a response, a counter statement affirming there is still so much good to be found. In the exhibition 'Colours Of Nature’ we can see nature in it’s full pigments as an antidote for darker times.
All the four elements essential to life are represented, Earth, Air, Fire and Water.
Colourful Water-scapes mostly painted with a high horizon are mirroring, tempting us to discover our own depths.
Fiery cloud scapes building warm and brightly coloured shapes representing the air-and fire element. Painted with a very low horizon and thus bombastic exploding clouds above us. This way they are calling us to feel respect for the forces of nature.
The colourful fields on the other hand keep us anchored with our feet on the ground. They depict floral fields but even weed found near the filthy polluting highways. Because even they are full of life, colour and beauty if you are willing to look up close.
The exhibition 'Colours Of Nature' is about the never ending life forces that bring us hope and good ideas and invite us to adapt to natures cycles.

Ann's Art Gallery is a very beautiful large gallery situated inside the design centre Vos interiors. This brings the extra opportunity to have modern art and design interiors reinforce each other throughout the building.
Practical information:
W H E R E:
Gallery Ann's Art
Laan Corpus den Hoorn 100
9728 JR Groningen [ The Netherlands ]
(inside Vos Interieur | Maupertuus)
W H E N:
UPDATE a special selection is still on exhibition through out the building in the group summershow
October 13 till November 19 - 2022
Opening hours: Tuesday-to Friday-10.00-18.00
Saturday 10.00-17.00 and on appointment
[gallery representation always available Thursday-Friday-Saturday 12.00-17.00]
Gallery Ann's Art
More information on the exhibition can be found here
Would you like to be invited to the next show? get your free invitation HERE
------ I N D U T C H
Een nieuwe solo expositie 'Colours Of Nature'
bij galerie Ann's Art in Groningen.
In de tentoonstelling 'Colours Of Nature' zien we de natuur in haar volle pigmentatie als positieve energiestroom en tegengif voor donkere tijden.
De 'Fields Of Colour' houden ons verankerd met onze voeten op de grond.

Praktische informatie:
W A A R:
Gallery Ann's Art
Laan Corpus den Hoorn 100
9728 JR Groningen [ The Netherlands ]
(inside Vos Interieur | Maupertuus)
W A N N E E R:
UPDATE een speciale selectie is nog steeds te bewonderen door het gehele gebouw tijdens de groeps zomershow
13 Oktober tot 19 November- 2022
Opening hours: Dinsdag-t|m Vrijdag-10.00-18.00
Zaterdag 10.00-17.00 en op afspraak
[De galeriehouders zijn er in ieder geval op donderdag-, vrijdag- en zaterdagmiddag van 12.00 - 17.00 uur.]
Galerie Ann's Art
Meer informatie over de expositie vind je hier
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